Shipping Charges
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For These States:
California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah and Washington

For all other states

$0.01 - $30.00:
shipping fee of $14.00

$0.01 - $30.00:
shipping fee of $14.00

$30.01 - $50.00:
shipping fee of $18.00

$30.01 - $50.00:
shipping fee of $18.00

$50.01 - $75.00:
shipping fee of $20.00

$50.01 - $75.00:
shipping fee of $24.00

$75.01 - $100.00:
shipping fee of $25.00

$75.01 - $94.00:
shipping fee of $30.00

$100.01 and up:
shipping fee of $30.00

$94.01 and up:
shipping fee of $40.00

The shipping fee is calculated for Priority Mail. If you request delivery by UPS or FedEx, the cost may be higher, especially if it's to a rural address.

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